Customized wallet condoms
Customized wallets
A wide range of customized condoms wallets and boxes
The condom, a great success on your counter
Safe kits
Condoms, earplugs, breathalyser,… your tailored kit
Durex, Manix, flavoured, phosphorescent,… a choice, great brands
Discover our range of products
Whether it's in an advertising campaign or as an add-on to a massive health campaign distribution, at Safe Pocket, we offer you all our experience and know-how in designing and creating your personalized condom pouch. With more than 10 years' experience in condom packaging, we have become one of the leaders on the European market in prevention and promotion using condoms.
The experience and the know-how of the personalized condom pouch.
We deliver throughout Europe from Finland to Portugal, from England to Bulgaria... But it doesn't end there. We also deliver to the USA, Canada, Hong Kong, etc.