
They trust us:


Luxembourg's Ministry of Health, Belgium's Ministry for the German-speaking Community, Belgium's Ministry of Defence, the European Commission, the Ministry for the Brussels-Capital Region, the Prison Health-Care Department... 


Aidsberodung-Croix Rouge du Luxembourg, Condomfly, Designers Against Aids (DAA), Ex-Aequo, Fédération Laïque de Centres de Planning Familial, Plate-Forme Prévention Sida, GGD, Jeugdraad Bilzen, Netherlands Development Finance Company (FMO), Orange Fun, Sensoa, Service de Médecine Préventive des Etudiants (SUMPPS), Sidaction Pays de Liège, Sireas, SOA, Stichting Team Alert...

Mutual Insurance companies:

Joetz, Mutuelle Familiale du Loiret, LMDE, Mutualité Socialiste de Belqique, Mutualité Neutre de Kinshasa, Mutuelle des Douanes, Omnimut,...


26 Evolution, 4sales Graphic Communication, AANP, ABA Smile & Health, Alternatives Communication, Amazing Entertainment, Anniething, Apic International, Artfex, Atoupri, Bananas BC, Belle Screen, Bizzi Diamond, BIS Promotion, Blue Lemon, Bonenfant, Care Concepts, Carmo & Cunha, Choco Telegram, Commpanion, Communicate, Conceptmakers, Condomerie, Condoom-Anoniem, Condoomhoesjes, Cprojects & Advertising, CSDP, Dici Design, Doralp, Foresee Line, Halo Nederland, Heboss International, Hermes Finance Sourcing, Ice Business, ID Werk, In Petto, Interimage, Involution, Iotta Communications, IRPS, I-Trade, Jint, Kao, Kb-Tuote OY, Kdoffset, Ketchum Pleon, Komfort Automaten, Kusters Promo Gifts, La Moustache, Leuze Events, LJ2 diffusion, M4conseil, Maison Clothes, Meindersma Reclame, Mia Pubblicita, Modern Bags, Omegacom, Oscar Gift, Parzellers Werbemittel, Perzylo Werbemittel, Promovision, PST Profil Reklame, Pub Rider, Public Promotion, RC Company, Reklamvision, Romieu, RRG Design, Simba, SMTK Communication, Sobelpu, Sofar, Sparkling Ideas, Star Communication, Station 06, Studio Goffin, Stylgrafix Italiana, Think Tank Media, Tremplin Promotion, Vegea, Werbemittel Siebenschuh,...


ABVV-FGTB, AV2P, B16, BA Enseignes, Bayer, Brothers Ruwet Company, Capeston, CFTC Syndicat, Coney, Creyf's Beheer, D&T, Durex, Enig Anders, The Entertainment Group, Brussels short film festival, Follador, G Data Software, Gerfa Diffusion, Gl'Amour, H&M, Henkel, Holiday Autos, Ice Clubbing, JPG Pharma, Kipling, KLJ Halle, LaCie, Lux GSM, Lux Vending, Madbugs, Media Markt, Media Regie, Minicar, Media River, Molnlycke Healthcare, Next Generation, Ninerva Rijschool, Movo Media, Preflexibel, Officetools Finland, O'Neill, Pleasure Nu, Procter & Gamble, Radio UMH, Remed Pharma, Roche, Rossel, Sanofi Pasteur, Sanoma Magazines, Schering-Plough, Silverspot, Speed Burger Diffusion, Théâtre de la Toison d'Or, The Pope, ThisWorks, Texxmedia, La Tournaisienne, Unilever (Axe), Universal Music, World of Fitness Basic, XS4All, You FM,...